So machine tools designed for cutting with cutting bands
Hiszp. – sierras ; tronzadoras; Niem. – Bandsagemaschinen; Trennmaschinen;
Ang. – Band sawing machines , saws; Cutting off machines; Ital. – Segatrici a nastro; Troncatrici
Cutting materials was one of the most popular ways of processing materials. Cutting with band saws (also called band saws) is inextricably linked with the tool used in them - a cutting band, often also called a band saw. Such use of the same names for the machine (machine tool) and tool occurs not only in Polish and is sometimes the cause of misunderstandings. I propose that (at least for the purposes of this article) machines - machine tools for cutting with a cutting band, should be called band saws, and the tools used in it should be called cutting bands. However, the term 'saw' used for hand-held and portable wood-cutting machines which are subject to different safety regulations should not be used for stationary metal band saws. The first band saws were used to cut wood and were known in the 19th century. The principle of their operation and the idea of their construction is the present-day vertical band saw (photo 1). The main (cutting) movement in the band saw is the longitudinal movement of the band, and the feed movement is the relative movement of the material and the band in the direction perpendicular to the movement of the band
read: 1159 times
author: TOP PORĘBA
creation date: 2016-07-14 13:10:21
ZDT TOP PORĘBA Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.
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